
История искусства

Французская живопись 17 - 20 вв. из музея изобразительных искусств им. Пушкина, Москва (French Painting from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 17th to 20th Century)




Oil on panel. 26 X 37 cm. Inv. No 763 The picture was painted after Watteau's arrival in Paris, during his training under Gillot, a painter of theatrical scenes, between 1703 and 1708. The subject of the canvas is taken from Moliere's comedies Le Malade imaginaire and Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. There are a great number of replicas, variants and copies of the picture. In the late 1850s one such variant was in the collection of Eugene Delacroix. Provenance: until 1769 The H. Briihl Collection, Dresden; since 1769 The Hermitage, St Petersburg; from the mid-19th century to 1923 The Ekaterininsky Palace, Tsarskoye Selo (at present the town of Pushkin); 1923—28 The Hermitage, Leningrad; since 1928 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Exhibitions: 1922-25 Petrograd; 1955 Moscow, Cat., p. 25; 1956 Leningrad, Cat., p. 12

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1948, p. 15; Кат. ГМИИ 1957, p. 23; Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 33; Mercure de France, 1727, November, p. 2491; Cat. Ermitage 1774, No 40; Abecedario de P. J. Mariette et autres notes inedites de cet amateur sur les arts et les artistes, in: Archives de I'Art Francais, vol. 6, Paris, 1859— 60, p. 110; E. de Goncourt, Catalogue raisonne de I'ceuvre peint, dessine et grave d'Antoine Watteau, Paris, 1875, p. 34, No 25; L. de Fourcaud, "Antoine

Watteau. Scenes et figures theatrales", Revue de I'Art Ancien et Moderne, 16, 1904, pp. 203—204, ill.; V. Josz, Antoine Watteau, Paris, s.a. [1904], p. 222; E. Pilon, Watteau et son ecole, Brussels, 1912, p. 26; Г. Лукомский, Краткий каталог Музея Екатерининского дворца, Petrograd, 1918, pp. 29, 47 (entitled Scene from 'Le Malade imaginaire'); E. Dacier, A. Vuaflart, Jean de Julienne et les graveurs de Watteau аи XVIIIе siecle, Paris, 1922, p. 74, No 150; E. Hildebrandt, Antoine Watteau, vol. 1, Berlin, 1922, p. 171, ill. (reproduced after Caylus's engraving)-Ernst 1928, p. 173, ill.; Dimier 1928-30, vol. l' p. 48, No 181; Reau 1929, No 694; H. Adhemar! Watteau, Paris, 1950, pp. 10, 72, 146, 155, 156, 190, 202, 253, No 9, ill. 5 (erroneously referred to as a picture from the Hermitage); Ю. Золотев, Современные сюжеты в творчестве Антиана Ватто. Материалы по теории и истории искусства, МГУ им. Ломоносова, Moscow, 1956, р. 100, ill.; К. Т. Parker, F. Ма-they, Antoine Watteau. Catalogue complet de son ceuvre dessine, vol. I, Paris, 1957, pp. 5, 8, 9; Sterling 1957, ill. 23, p. 37; Прокофьев 1962, ill. 42; A. 4e-годаев, Антуан Ватто, Moscow, 1963, ill.; Musee de Moscou 1963, p. 138, ill.; И. Немилова, Ватто и ею произведения в Эрмитаже, Leningrad, 1964, pp. 75. 77, 172, ill.; E. Comesasca, P. Rosenberg, Tout I'ceuvre peint de Watteau, Paris, 1970, No 13- Anto-nova 1977, No 63



Oil on canvas. 32 X 45 cm. Inv. No 1226 According to P. J. Mariette, the picture was painted by Watteau at the request of his friend P. Sirois, an antiquary and artist, from whom it passed into the collection of the dealer E. F. Gersaint, also a friend of Watteau. It belongs to the Delassements de la Guerre series painted from sketches made by the artist during his trip to Valenciennes in 1709—10. The picture was engraved with a burin by Ch. Cochin.

Provenance: from the late 19th century until 1928 The Hermitage, St Petersburg — Leningrad; since 1928 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Exhibitions: 1937 Paris, Cat. 227; 1955 Moscow, Cat. 24; 1956 Leningrad, Cat., p. 12; 1965 Bordeaux, Cat. 42; 1965—66 Paris, Cat. No 40

Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1948, p. 16, ill.; Кат. ГМИИ 1957, p. 23, ill.; Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 33, ill.; Mercare de France, 1727, December, p. 2677; L'CEuvre d'Antoine Watteau, Peintre du Roy... grave d'apres ses tableaux et dessins originaux. . . par les soins de M. de Julienne, vol. 2, Paris, s.a. [1730-40], p. 58, ill. (after the engraving by Cochin); Abecedario de P.]. Mariette et autres notes inedites de cet amateur sur les arts et les artistes, in: Archives de Г Art Francois, vol.

6, Paris, 1859-60, p. 109; E. de Goncourt, Catalogue raisonne de I'ceuvre psint, dessine et grave d'Antoine Watteau, Paris, 1875, p. 55, No 52; Сомов 1900, No 1874; V. Josz, Antoine Watteau, Paris, s.a. [1904], pp. 56, 222, ill. (entitled Delassements de la Guerre); X. Zimmermann, Watteau (Klassiker der Kunst), Stuttgart, 1912, No 4, ill.; Кат. Эрмитажа 1916, No 1874; E. Dacier, A. Vuaflart, Jean de Julienne et les graveurs de Watteau аи XVIIIе siecle, Paris, 1922, p. 73, No 148; E. Hildebrandt, Antoine Watteau, vol. 1, Berlin, 1922, p. 92; Dimier 1928— 30, vol. 1, p. 32, No 40; Reau 1929, № 693; В. Вольская, Ватто, Moscow, 1933, pp. 32, 34, 35, ill.; H. Ad-hemar, Watteau, Paris, 1950, pp. 35, 99, 179, 250, No 37, ill. 18; P. Francastel, Histoire de la peinture francaise, vol. I, Paris, 1955, ill.; Ю. ЗОЛОТОЕ, Современные сюжеты в творчестве Антуана Ватто. Материалы по теории и истории искусства, МГУ им. Ломоносова, Moscow, 1956, р. 85, ill.; К. Т. Parker, F. Mathey, Antoine Watteau. Catalogue complet de son ceuvre dessine, vol. I, Paris, 1957, pp. 35, 37; Sterling 1957, ill. 28, p. 37; Прокофьев 1962, ill. 45; А. Чегодаев, Антуан Ватто, Moscow, 1963, p. 15, ill.; И. Немилова, Ватто и его произведения в Эрмитаже, Leningrad, 1964, pp. 44, 170, ill.; ГМИИ 1966, No 58; E. Comesasca, P. Rosenberg, Tout I'ceuvre peint de Watteau, Paris, 1970, No 44