
История искусства

Французская живопись 17 - 20 вв. из музея изобразительных искусств им. Пушкина, Москва (French Painting from the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 17th to 20th Century)



88 PORTRAIT landscape. The Pushkin Museum

portrait may be

OF PRINCE BORIS GOLITSYN dated to the early 1800s.

Oil and gouache on ivory plate set in a panel. Provenance: 1905 The N. Obolensky Collection, Mos-

27 X 20 cm. Inv. No 933 cow; since 1925 The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,

Boris Golitsyn (1769-1813), lieutenant-general, par- Moscow (received from the State Museum Reserve)

ticipated in the 1812 War and died of battle wounds in Exhibitions: 1905 St Petersburg, Cat. 2027; 1955 Mos-

Wilna. The face is drawn in gouache on an ivory cow' Cat'' P- 36' 1956 Leningrad, Cat., p. 27

plate set in a wooden panel on which is painted a Bibliography: Кат. ГМИИ 1961, p. 83

88 PORTRAIT landscape. The Pushkin Museum
88 PORTRAIT landscape. The Pushkin Museum